Friends Committee on Scouting serves to encourage and promote the faith, history, and testimonies of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) through religious education programs for Quaker Scouts/Guides. It does this through the development and promotion of:
- Quaker Religious Awards for young Friends involved with Scouting America, Girl Scouts USA, Camp Fire USA, etc.
- The Quaker Religion in Life Award for young Friends involved with Girl Guides of Canada and Scouts Canada.
- Quaker Faith Journey curriculum for young Friends outside the US and Canada.
- Quaker support material for the My Faith Award of the Scout Association (UK) and Discovering Faith badge of the Girlguiding (UK).
- Quaker resource material for faith-related badges for members of other Scout and Guide organizations throughout the world.
More information about these programs can be found elsewhere on this website.
FCS also seeks to:
- Inform Friends about Quaker Scouting/Guiding.
- Represent the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) to the various national and international Scout/Guide organizations throughout the world.
- Serve as a networking opportunity for Friends involved in Quaker Scouting/Guiding.
- Recognize Quaker Scout/Guide volunteers, throughout the world, with the Friends Emblem, for their dedication to the Religious Society of Friends and the Scout and Guide programs.
Friends Committee on Scouting is an affiliated program of the Friends World Committee for Consultation – Section of the Americas.
FCS is an ecumenical Quaker committee drawing representation from all streams of Quakerism. The committee consists of official delegates from Friends World Committee for Consultation, Section of the Americas, Friends General Conference and Friends United Meeting and encourages participation from Quakers from Yearly Meetings throughout the world including Conservative Friends and members of Evangelical Friends International and of independent Yearly Meetings.