Members of the Committee are excited with the higher than normal volume of “Spirit of Truth” awards that were earned in 2020 and thus far in 2021! With that comes a sharp, unexpected, drop in our inventory!
No worries, the Clerk has been in contact with the jeweler obtaining quotes for both the “Spirit of Truth” and “That of God” youth awards and while were at it for the “Friends Emblem” adult recognition. With some discussion and discernment over the last several weeks we have reach conscience and the Clerk has placed an order this afternoon.
Current inventory of “Spirit of Truth” awards is extremely low at this point, and the Clerk is aware of quite a few young Friends currently working on this award. Not sure at this point the target delivery date for the awards – but will keep you all posted when they arrive . . . and that also means I need to work on additional storage space!
Orders will be filled with what we have, for as long as they can. Should we run out before the shipment arrives, the Clerk will send an email to the address listed on the application and will try to give an approximate date for when the awards will ship to the Scout/parents/Meeting.
Thank you for your patience in this matter.