Request Letter of Congratulations

Friends Committee on Scouting loves to hear about Young Friends earning big awards as Scouts or Girl Scouts/Guides. It could be:

  • Canada Cord (Girl Guides of Canada);
  • Chief Scout’s Award (Canada or UK);
  • Eagle Scout rank (Scouting America USA);
  • Gold Award (Girl Scouts USA);
  • Lady Baden-Powell Award (Girl Guides of Canada);
  • Queen’s Guide (UK)
  • Queen’s Scout (UK);
  • Queen’s Venturer (Canada);
  • Or any other similar award!

Just complete the form below and we’ll send a letter of congratulations to the Young Friend.

The Clerk will send the letter to the Young Friend unless otherwise directed to send to another individual for collection. Use the “additional comments” box to provide any other details we should know. Please allow 2-3 weeks for a letter in the United States, and longer for other countries. This allows time for the Clerk to personalize the letter and to seek more information if needed.